This past weekend, I went on the Walk to Emmaus. The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour retreat designed to draw you closer to the Lord. I can't really say more about what goes on because by doing so, I could rob someone's else's joy of experiencing it for themselves.
The weekend was amazing. I have to admit that going into it, I was a little skeptical. I would have to spend 3 days away from hubby with no phone and no watch. The idea of being thrown in with a group of strangers and sleeping in a bunk room did not exactly send me into fits of excitement. But, God quickly changed my heart. David came home from his walk and told me that I would love it and that there was something so special about the weekend.
Yes, it was a very special weekend, precious even. I have only just begun to process through the massive amount of knowledge and heart that were poured into me this past weekend. The one concept that really stands out in my heart and mind is that I am so dearly lived by God and by so many people around me. It amazes me to think about the depth of God's love for me- that He delights in me and calls me His child. God loves me through others, too. This past weekend was truly a gift of love.
I'll write more later, but right now, it's more than I can put into words. For now, I will say this- if you are a Christian that is seeking to grow and to serve Christ as His disciple- go on this retreat!!!!! You will not regret it!
In His Mercy.