Thursday, March 13, 2008


"We live by faith, not by sight." -2 Corinthians 5:7

Walking by faith is something that God has daily been reminding me of. About a week ago, something was "dangled" in front of David and I that quite honestly left me with a good taste in my mouth, despite the uncertainties of it all. I played the "what if" game and started dreaming of how our lives would look different.I admit that an ungodly confidence infiltrated my heart and I was
sure that I knew what was going to happen.

But then God reminded me that I am to walk by faith, and not sight. Easier said than done. This summer will mark a new chapter of my life when I move down to Georgia, into David and I's house, and await the arrival of October 18. Let me tell you something, I have to walk by faith. Here I am, already in a place that I never would have imagined myself to be in(Kentucky), about to move even further away from my Connecticut homeland. God has blessed me in some crazy ways. I'm truly excited to see where God is going to lead David and I in the coming months, years, and decades together=) It's going to take some hardcore faith, but praise the Lord that He is so much bigger than you and I!!!

In His Mercy.

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