Saturday, March 22, 2008

One Year

Easter is tomorrow. This year I've been invited to have Easter dinner with the family I have nanny-ed/ baby-sat for for the past 2+ years. Last year on Easter I felt very much alone. My roommates were gone, my family had just left from their visit, my grandmother's cancer was spreading, and I hit rock bottom as far as being single is concerned. I finally got to that point where I said, "Ok God. I don't like it, but I'll accept it. I know you know my deepest needs, so provide for those, not my own selfish desires."

Here I am a year later. My grandmother has since passed on to be with the Lord. I miss my family, but feel a special bond with them none-the-less. And not only did God provide me with an amazing man one week after my Easter meltdown, but one year later I sit here as a happily engaged woman to the most wonderful man in the whole entire world=)

I have a lot to be thankful for. God has been so good to me. Yet I sit here, feeling a bit empty and out in limbo. I just feel like I'm done here in Wilmore. I am itching to get out. I am itching to move down to Georgia. I am longing for David and I's future together, if that even makes sense. In some ways, I feel stuck in a place that frustrates me. I love what I do ministry-wise and I love the education I'm receiving, but as far as this place, I feel a bit disenchanted.

Tomorrow is Easter- the day Jesus rose from the dead! I'm longing for the Holy Spirit's touch right now. I feel a bit dead inside and want the Spirit to raise me up again. Easter may not be the best option for a "quick fix," but I sure am glad that Jesus was brought back to life! I know that nothing can rob me of the joy I have inside and I trust that I am going through a season right now. But tomorrow I will go to church resting in the greatest truth there ever was, is, and will be!

In His Mercy.

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