Sunday, February 17, 2008


I had an interesting experience yesterday. For one of my classes, a portion of my grade is based upon my organization and upkeep of a 3-ring binder that contains all of the class material for the semester. Our grade on it is dependent on the quality of our personal notes and how meticulous we are in our filing. Well, I sit down to organize my notebook with all the handouts and notes I have from the first week of classes. I looked proudly at my creation and started flipping through the syllabus to see what I needed to read and write for Tuesday. Lo and behold, what do I find? A page in the syllabus informing me of exactly how to tabulate my notebook. I had done it all wrong. Of course, I get a "little" frustrated. I mean, I thought that I was a detailed person, but I've got nothing on this professor.

So, David calls. I vent. Call the class stupid. Kick around my stupid binder for a while. Go write a paper. And then come back to that darn binder. As I re-labeled everything and re-filed all my papers, God did something quite unexpected. God began to fill me with an excitement about the class....and even the stupid binder! He reminded me that even my "stupid class" is an opportunity to worship Him and that He has a lot to teach me. So ironically, I actually am excited about the class and having this notebook which probably will turn out to be a great resource.

Oddly enough, compiling that notebook yesterday was a spiritual boost. It was a reminder to me of the many blessings in my life- the least of them not being the fact that I am privileged to receive an education. I'm very content with life right now. At the end of the day, I know Who loves me most, who loves me the "next most" =), and who my friends are. Life is good. God is better!

In His Mercy.

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