Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Monday through Saturday

I haven't updated for a while. January was a whirlwind of a month. I had my 3-day class from the 7th to the 9th. After taking the exam and writing my paper, I went down to Georgia to be with my fiance for two whole weeks=) The crazy thing is that in the 9 1/2 months we've been together, we have never spent that much time together. It was such a blessing. Now I'm back in Kentucky dealing with coming down from the mountain.

Sunday at church, Aaron shared a comment that Maggie had made about how Sunday is not the most important day for her spiritually. This has been rolling around my head for the past couple of days. It makes sense. We as a Christian society tend to put Sunday up on a pedestal and exalt it above any other day. The fact is, there are 6 other days in the week. It is easy to be a Sunday Christian; it is much harder to be a Monday-Saturday Christian. That's when our faith is really put to the test. Do we worship God in our schoolwork? Our meetings? Our conflicts? Our relationships? In all the ordinary things in life? What do we do when we are faced with the opportunity to share Christ's love? Or to serve the poor and marginalized? Or do we avoid these situations at all costs? Sunday, spiritually speaking, is the easiest day of the week. Monday through Saturday are much harder.

At graduation 2006 here at Asbury, one of the speakers said to always question the easy road. Maybe it's about time we started questioning the ease of Sundays....

In His Mercy.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Thanks for asking the tough questions! And being there for our kids!!!