Friday, March 16, 2007

Love vs. Power

I recently read in two different books that I'm reading the difference between love and power.Power coerces people into action, while love moves people into action.We often see power as a good thing, but really, "power" is a manipulative tool of a select group of people that occupy "high places in society." I know that this statement probably seems a bit bold, but let me qualify my statement.Power in and of itself is a dangerous thing. Hitler had power-and aside from a major heartbreak in the middle of the 20th century, what did his "power" accomplish for humanity? We often see wealthy people as people of power because they have lots of money and we think that money makes us important.A lot of times when money is used as a source of power, people manipulate rules and regulations-and get away with it- while in the meantime everyone else around them resents them.

On the other hand, we have love.Love moves people to action.Love is the cry of every human heart.Think about Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, or William Wilberforce.None of them had "power" in the eyes of society, but they all had love and look what they accomplished! Love fills a basic human need and acting out of love has an amazing power to change things for the better.Power apart from love is useless-but power coming out of acts of love can have a lasting impact. Joy and happiness replace resentment and bitterness. Not all of us have lots of money-but love is something that God offers to everyone, free of charge, and and it's that love that truly has power!!!

In His Mercy...

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