Wednesday, August 15, 2007

At Home with Mary and Martha

After reading David's blog yesterday about what "home" is, a few things started to pass through my mind. My thoughts alternated between home and the Sabbath and the story of Mary and Martha. Here was my flow of thought:

My first year at Asbury, a student spoke about our only true home being at the communion table with the body and blood of the Lord. And really, this is so true. These past 6 years of undergrad and grad school have meant not having a permanent home. Therefore, our only home can be at the Father's feet. This made me think of the story of MAry and Martha....

Mary sat down at Jesus' feet and listened to Him. Martha ran around, keeping herself busy, and eventually complained to Jesus that Mary wasn't helping her with the preparations. But Jesus told her that Mary had chosen what was better and that wouldn't be taken away from her. I started to think about how maybe God didn't intend for us to ever be so busy that we don't have time to just sit at His feet and listen. But often that's exactly what happens.

Taking a Sabbath is so important. I've had a deeper understanding of this this past summer as I've observed what David goes through. Why is it so hard for us to just rest and take a Sabbath? I mean really, when we're constantly on the go we crave time to kick back and put our feet up, but when we do that all we can think about is everything we have to get done. Essentially, Jesus told Martha not to even worry about stuff like that. Jesus wants us to stop and sit and listen.

Random thoughts- still trying to make sense of them all myself.

In His Mercy.

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